Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate ReviewWA logo

Name:                                 Wealthy Affiliate
Website:                             www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Price:                                  $0 starter membership (free account with 2 free hosted websites)
Owners:                              Kyle & Carson
Overall Rank:                     9/10
Scam or Legitimate:          Legitimate
Who is it for?                     Newbie – Expert


This review will provide a detailed analysis of Wealthy Affiliates, the complete platform for people building online businesses.  The objective is to overview the site, its purpose, its success and its shortcomings.  This review will hopefully provide the information for you to make a decision as to whether this online business resource is for you.


Wealthy Affiliates (WA) is the worlds largest community of online business people / marketers and seeks to empower people in making use of the internet to grow a business.  Its fundamental purpose is to train people and supply the necessary tools so they can succeed in all areas of internet marketing.

The basis of Wealthy Affiliates is its concentration on training and empowerment.  Their objective it to provide the technology, platform and knowledge for anyone to be successful online.  A core component of what they offer is a community where members communicate via blog posts, live chat, feedback, Q & A, providing the ability for everyone to succeed.

They teach that having your own effective website is critical to being successful online.  It is your footprint or real estate on the internet.  Once you have built a successful website, you are able to leverage it to earn income in a variety of ways.  To assist people in achieving a successful website, they provide members with 2 free websites on start-up and step by step training to build your website.  As you complete each lesson and series of tasks, you are building your business and learning the keys to online business success.  The expertise you gain can be used in the future to do whatever you need to in online business.

Here is a summary list of their key products & services:

  1. Website hosting – you receive 2 free websites on sign-up and 50 sites with premium membership
  2. All the tools to construct and develop your Website using WordPress templates
  3. Free tools such as Jaxxy keyword tools, speed monitoring and site health tools
  4. Comprehensive training and step by step guidance to build your website and turn it into a profitable business, 1000’s of lessons
  5. Video Training courses
  6. Classrooms for extra learning
  7. The world’s largest online marketing community sharing ideas and assisting other members to succeed – blogs, chat, Q&A
  8. Affiliate Marketing opportunities with WA
  9. Comprehensive website infrastructure including support, website back-up, security, fast website loading and much more.

Wealthy Affiliates provide the opportunity for people to join for free ($0) – no credit card required.  This ‘try before you buy’ policy gives them another advantage in this market where so many people are wary of scams and over-inflated claims!

Leson 1

“Getting Started” Training Screen at Wealthy Affiliates


There are actually two answers to this question:

  1. You can make money through building an online business of your choice using the tools they provide and the education you receive.  The variety of possibilities are endless.  WA are empowering the online entrepreneur to be successful.  This method does not provide income / commissions directly from WA to you. Your income is earned by providing goods and/or services to other customers via a myriad of methods – WA just provides the entire package to enable you to be successful at this over and over again.  These goods and services could be such things as selling products on behalf of Amazon or displaying adverts for Google – for example.
  2. WA also offer an affiliate programme where commissions of up to 50% can be earned when members sign-up to Wealthy Affiliates.  They provide a comprehensive program to assist you to construct your free website, target your specific audience and ultimately refer people to become members.  Commissions range from $1 for a free account set-up from your referral and up to $175 for an annual premium sign-up (note: these rates are based on being a premium member. Commissions are still good for free starter members).
4 Step Wealthy Affiliate Process for Successful Online Business

4 Step Wealthy Affiliate Process for Successful Online Business



  • Create your own website for free to own your own ‘real-estate’ on the internet!
  • Thorough training.  A significant strength of WA is educating its members how to grow a successful online business- from starting to being an experienced and successful online business person.  This means you can take your knowledge wherever you choose to go in the future.
  • Easy to use step by step guide and process to follow, covering every aspect of building your online business
  • Large and active community of like-minded people to help you and share ideas
  • They provide the technology to enable you to build your own quality website
  • They have their own affiliate program which you can join and make significant income
  • You are empowered to make money in virtually any niche, without any payment going back to WA.
  • They are trustworthy and proven, having been around for 10 years and having 100,000’s of members
  • You can sign-up for free and get 2 free websites with this.  No credit card required.
  • Website hosting service including – fast and secure websites
  • No up-sells in the program except for upgrading from starter to premium if you choose to – that is it!
  • Direct contact with the owners and senior members through the website communication is possible and encouraged.
  • Access to me personally to help you get underway in your internet business journey!


  • It can take a significant amount of time and learning to get a profitable business as you need to build your own website and then let Google find you and start to deliver you free traffic.
  • WA can feel overwhelming when you first start as there is just so much information, training and help available.  The key to overcoing this is simply to follow the training step by step.


Wealthy Affiliates is a tool for anyone wanting to be a successful online marketer.  The training you receive and the technical platform they provide enables you to make money in virtually any business segment or niche.  It is for the beginner who understand s nothing about online business and building websites, through to the technical wizz who just needs some marketing tips or ideas on how to make the site profitable.

This opportunity is for anyone with an internet connection and the desire to be successful online.  This can be Part-time or full-time, the hours are completely up to each person.


The entire essence of WA is empowering its members through its array of training and tools.  The objective is that any person can become a member and within a short time have an operational website that is the basis for a profitable online business.   A novice can have their website created in just a few minutes and then start using the step by step training to add quality content and instigate advanced marketing / technical techniques to grow customers.  There is plenty of training material that is also of value to experienced internet marketers.
The training is offered in a range of formats:

  • WAClassrooms

    Training Classrooms

    Live Weekly Video Training

  • Question and Answer
  • Classrooms organised by specific topics
  • A range of Interactive Discussions
  • Live Chat
  • Video Training, Tutorial Training
  • Task Based Courses
  • 1000’s of articles

There are a complete range of tools provided to accomplish all of your research, writing, and website building / hosting requirements for your online business.  You receive all you need to be successful as a member in WA.

Some of the unique tools are:

  • Keyword & Competition Research
  • WordPress Express instant website builder
  • Fast, Reliable & Secure Cloud Hosting – 2 sites for starter members, 50 sites for premium members
  • Access to over 2,400 website templates/themes -12 for starter members, full number in premium
  • Ability to add over 30,000 different “features” to your website
  • Rapid Writer, your content “friend”

Wealthy Affiliates provides EVERYTHING you need to build and develop your online business.  This is the best place on the internet for delivering this level of service – that is why they are the worlds number one online business community!

What will your job consist of as a business person using the Wealthy Affiliates platform?

Many members of WA write great reviews about their experience using WA to develop their business.  Why is this and what do people actually do day by day?

  1. Learn – this may be watching video training, reading articles or blog posts, asking questions of the community, engaging in live chat on a topic.
  2. Complete Tasks – follow the step-by-step program to implement your online business, from start-up to desired profit.  Tick off assigned tasks as they are completed.  The tasks may be learning, enhancing your website, writing content, research or engaging in some specific aspect of marketing.
  3. Contribute – the power of this program is engaging with the online WA community and this involves giving and receiving. Ask and answer questions.  Raise topics. Encourage others. Critique other members work to assist them in improving and receive likewise in return.


The support options at WA are comprehensive and available 24/7.  They include:

  • Professional technical support from WA support personnel
  • Online community support – Q & A, Live Chat, blogs
  • Access to a huge knowledge base for answers to many questions
  • Direct access to the owners and other senior members of Wealthy Affiliates via personal messaging

This is truely what sets Weakthy Affiliate apart from other options.  I have made use of all types of support at WA since joining in 2014.  They have never ever failed me and ALWAYS found a solution.

Wealthy Affiliate Live Help Blogs and Chat

Wealthy Affiliate Live Help Blogs and Chat


Wealthy Affiliates is a legitimate online business provider and is not a scam for the following reasons:

  1. You can sign-up and operate for free, not even a credit card required
  2. There is direct access to the owners of the company
  3. You are trained on how to build your own online business and website that can be utlilised anywhere, not just about WA
  4. There is no pyramid structure
  5. There is no other financial commitment other than a monthly membership fee for premium members, for which they are receiving ongoing significant tangible value
  6. Every member has equal opportunity to be successful based on their own effort and expertise

Lastly, I have been a member since 2014 and currently host 8 websites at Wealthy Affiliate.  You can check out a couple of my other sites here:



I did not know how to build any of this when I started with Wealthy Affiliate.

My personal WA testimony

I truely believe that WA delivers the best online business tools available. Previously, I have tried a number of different schemes and offerings in an attempt to build a successful online business.  All have failed or ended with mediocre results.  These have included building my own website using one of the domain selling companies, online data entry, completing online surveys and more.  Many just do not pay well and require a lot of hours for poor returns.  My website ran into difficulties when I didn’t have the expertise to do what needed to be done.  Further, I did not have the knowledge to maximise my Google Search Rankings and other key marketing techniques.  I failed simply because I did not have the training, knowledge and tools.  I was frustrated and poorer so went searching for more answers.

It was during this search that I came across Wealthy Affiliates.  I was pretty sceptical after my previous experiences but after reading a review like this decided to give it a go. My goal is to build a long-term profitable online business in my spare time – I am a say at home dad with 4 young children.  I signed up to the free Starter Membership ($0 and no credit card required) and was simply amazed with the experience.  Within 36 hours I went premium and have learnt and built so much since then. The knowledge I am gaining will enable me to reproduce multiple online businesses if I want to in the future. I am simply following the step-by-step process and building my successful online business!

I can only provide my encouragement for anyone to at least give it a go and sign up for the free Starter Membership. Experience the power of the WA Community and Training. Use the WA tools and see what you can accomplish.  I am confident you will be so grateful, just like I am.  See you there!

By the way -you can ask any questions or provide feedback at the end of this article. I would be very happy to help you personally with this decision and with growing your online business.  You can also check-out other pages and posts at this website.

Once you have signed up for the free starter at Wealthy Affiliate, you will have access to my experience through the Direct Messaging service.

There are additional testimonials here


There are just two main levels of membership at Wealthy Affiliates:

Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)
Premium Membership, $47 per month / $359 per year (Join Here)
*note: WA recently added a premium plus service for their most advanced users

Wealthy Affiliate Starter.  Any person can join WA for$0 and be incredibly successful with their online business.  The Starter Membership includes instant access to the WA community where you can chat and interact.  You will receive access to over 500 training modules, 3 classrooms, 2 free websites, WordPress website building tools, access to the keyword tool and much much more!

This is the most comprehensive offering in the industry (except WA premium) and it is completely free.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium.  This is the high-end package of online business training and tools.   This contains everything you will need to maximise your success.  You receive all of the Starter Membership benefits plus unlimited web hosting, more training modules, more community interaction options, higher affiliate commission rates and more.  However, you will not see why you want premium until you have experienced the value of the Starter Membership.

The great thing with Wealthy Affiliates is they offer a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY opportunity.  This is one of the huge pluses.  Sign up for free ($0) and experience the free website, the website building tools, the training, the community interaction and then decide if you want to stay Starter or upgrade to premium.  You will not experience pressure or any other up-sells!  And no credit card needed when you sign-up for the Starter experience.



This is simply the best and most comprehensive online business tool available.  If you are serious about building an online business that will deliver profits long-term, this is one to try. A university degree can not even deliver much of what you can learn here.  The power of this platform has opened my online eyes and also delivered the means to achieve my goals.

My hope is that you at least take some action and try Wealthy Affiliates for free and determine if what is covered in this review becomes your experience too.  Join for $0 now.

 Sign Up For Free: Click Here Now!

How To Claim Your Bonus?

When you join as a free starter member, you will receive access to your free websites, an incredible array of tools and brilliant training.  All this for $0.  If you don’t like it – go to my WA Profile or back here and let me know!  I know you will absolutely love what you are about to experience – so I’m safe on this one :).

To claim your bonus, all you need to do is sign-up to Premium  Membership within 7 days and you’ll get a 59% discount on your first month subscription.

Secondly, you will also receive direct access to me via email or through my WA Profile – I am here to help you get started and make sure you are comfortable at Wealthy Affiliate and in building your website.  You will also receive free access to the upper levels of internet marketing training, worth many thousands of dollars.

Thirdly, enjoy this free training on “Building your own traffic producing website”.  Traffic = money in internet marketing!

Take action now and I’ll see you inside Wealthy Affiliate!


I enjoy receiving feedback and interacting on this topic. Please feel free to ask questions or add comments below.

Thanks for taking the time to read the review.


Richard Wagener


  1. Your presentation is very thorough, however I personally am not a fan of long single pages of text. You might lose someone’s interest before they get through it all. It is well written and presented well. but you may want to consider breaking out some of the content to another page that you can refer to on this page.

    • Thanks for the thoughts. I will consider your thoughts on this. It appears that many sites in this type of industry follow this format, including Kyle in his WA type of posts. I see what you are saying though. Thanks

    • Have to agree. It is a truly brilliant opportunity with very few downsides. You can sign-up via links on this page.


  2. Hi Richard

    Thank you a lot for such a good and resourceful “Wealthy Affiliate” site, I like it. 🙂

    Richard, I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate …. Actually, I am simply surprised by their friendly and helpful community. I don’t think I can find such a vibrant community on the internet. 🙂

    Wealthy Affiliate teaches me on how to start a real online business from scratch. In fact, it also teaches me how I could rank easily high my keywords on Google search engines. I am also using their keyword tool to source for low-competition keywords for my website and my hubby’s sites … they really have a FREE powerful keyword tool. 🙂

    Last but not least, I appreciate yr website, keep up yr great work!! 🙂

    Jewel Carol

    • Hey thanks Jewel so much for taking the time to review my site. I appreciate your comments and echo your experience at Wealthy Affiliate – learn new stuff every day! The tools they give us to work with is also awesome.
      Thanks again and all the best.


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