About Me


Hi, I’m Richard and have now been growing an online presence for a number of years.  My objective is to use my flexible time to build an internet business, alongside my day job and role as a dad, husband, sports coach and Board Member on various organisations.  My professional training is in accounting and management.

Before building this website (and a few others), I had little idea about how to even start, let alone actually creating a site that works!  The first site I built was to share tips to help parents fly on planes with young kids.  My first forray into this was pretty much a disaster as the web-building platform was too limited and the training poor.  I went searching for a better integrrated platform and training environment and ended up at Wealthy Affiliate.  That was in 2014 and I’m still there – hosting my websites and utilising their incredible  and easy to use tools to build out my sites.

“My motivation for this particular site is to assist others in building successful online businesses part-time using the amazing infrastructure and environment that Wealthy Affiliate provide.”

Wealthy Affiliate.  I can not praise the education, learning and processes highly enough – it provides the  understanding and strategy to being successful online.

Please keep in contact with me here by leaving a message below or view my profile at Wealthy Affiliate (click here to access my profile)

It’s an exciting journey and I look forward to sharing it with you.


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